Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Assumption of Reality!

What is reality? Are only those things that are visible to our eyes 'real'? What about air then? Our eyes don't see it but it evidently exists and is real. And God—apparently the one who 'created' everything but remains invisible himself—is his presence reality or just an assumption?

When a question has no answer or has an unclear answer, it perplexes and bewilders us. As humans, we can't stop looking for one because that's how nature designed us—to forever seek the truth, to delve into the unseen, to grasp the tiniest piece of knowledge. That is why and that is when an imaginary answer or an assumption is born. An assumption thus overtime becomes reality of a different kind—the one that doesn't really exist but is still there—fabricated for our satisfaction to put an end to a lingering or haunting question or doubt. Albeit this pseudo reality is a non-existing one, it stays in our head, dominating our thoughts and trying to alter our perception, until we start to believe it. Haven't we on countless occasions heard rumours and baseless gossip that are perceived to be true and real when they are far from it? They are not, but it's our belief in them that makes them real.

"touch, feel, see, hear and smell are form of reality, imagining is assumption. Its that dramatic shift upon forging a special relation with self resulted in the series, the series with painting and drawing and installation to create detailed and at times chaotic depictions of thoughts, reality and assumption".

The narrative merge the personal with religion, shifting between past and present, and scientific at times dismantling facts, deconstructing faith, and turning it into REALITY.

This is just a part of the whole series that I have worked on and super proud of. More from the series will follow.

A set of 29 works in mixed media, on paper and framed in one inch box frame, measuring at 6.8 x 7.5 inches each.

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