Saturday, September 6, 2014

Justin Livingston from NY

It's a rarity to find stylish and well dressed men. Most of them suck at it literally. But what would you do if you find one such stylish man? Simple…just foooolllloooow him because there are very few people on whom anything will look good. But no harm in taking some tips and improve your dressing sense.

I stumble upon this guy on Instagram and it was an instant liking. What a stylish guy! Simple. Yet making his own statement. Here is someone who is educating us to dress smartly, casually, formally and moreover sexy-ly, and for that you don't need a big budgeted wardrobe. How exciting.

So not wasting any minute, presenting JUSTIN LIVINGSTON and a proud owner of Scout Sixteen fashion blog of his own.

In his own words: "Everything posted on Scout Sixteen are things that I like, love, currently wear or would sell my soul to own. I will never post items or content that I do not feel strongly about. On occasion, I do use affiliate links within my posts, which means I may receive a commission on sales of linked products."

Ok guys, go ahead and like him, his style and his blog, right now!!!!

As for me, I am hooked and booked baby ;)

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